Sabtu, 15 September 2012

sabtu itu.. hari paling indah dalam seminggu menurut gue, besoknya masih ada minggu terus bisa leyeh leyeh no pikiran no pr dll dah.. gua menumpuk semua pr dan belajar itu di hari biasa.. sabtu minggu itu free time.. gua gak akan kelewatan hari hari begini hahaaa.. tapi kok gue jadi badmood tibatiba eh bukan itu masalahnya. gue kok berasa in pressure sih kalo ada satu hal yg ga dijalannya.. gue gatau mau teriak teriak kemana, gue gabisa di twitter galau, di fb lah atau status2 yang menyatakan gue tidak baik.. gue gabisa-_- tapi sekarang untuk cerita kemana mana gue juga belom bisa..  keep my self is just sound better for mee.. mungkin nulis di blog gini membuat gua sangat lebih baik.. youtupan apalagi:D hehee.. gue cuma ngerasa capek aja ngeliat situasi aneh begitu, itu aneh menurut gua.. gak banget sih cuma gaenak diliat aja.. pokoknya pelajaran aja dah sekarang nomer 1.. gua harus masuk ipa.. cuma ituu:"D.. ya Allah please give me strenght more to face everything.. and yaAllah i want to dont care about something that i shouldnt care ya Allah:").. please help mee..:"D fighting sahh
where again

where again

Selasa, 11 September 2012

I can almost see itThat dream I am dreamingBut there's a voice inside my head saying"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm takingEvery move I make feelsLost with no directionMy faith is shaking
But I gotta keep tryingGotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountainI'm always gonna wanna make it moveAlways gonna be a uphill battleSometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get thereAin't about what's waiting on the other sideIt's the climb
The struggles I'm facingThe chances I'm takingSometimes might knock me downBut no, I'm not breaking
I may not know itBut these are the moments thatI'm gonna remember most, yeahJust gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strongJust keep pushing on
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountainI'm always gonna wanna make it moveAlways gonna be a uphill battleSometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get thereAin't about what's waiting on the other sideIt's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountainI'm always gonna wanna make it moveAlways gonna be an uphill battleSomebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get thereAin't about what's waiting on the other sideIt's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbingKeep the faith, babyIt's all about, it's all about the climbKeep the faith, keep your faith, whoa
the climb:')

the climb:')

hi.. its gettin cool guys, im senior high school now altough i havet got something special really really special these time but i know i will ;) its seems so start now.. thsi life is gettin weird,nicce,better and everything you know;) just like others said.. high school moment is unforgetable.. i'll really make that happen:D i love everything happen nomatter what.. just one thing.. i'll never get my score down.. really the lesson is totall different from elementary and junior high school.. well the basic is same.. but its so much grow'-' really i never felt this way before.. but i promise i'll get science nomatter what!:p hehe. i'll do everything for my future..:D..

but.. i'll just tells something.. kurang seru juga kali kalo gaada kontro2 dikit belakangan ini wkwkwk, jadi berawal dari'-' hmdjsakdaskfkasfjsa gue putus kan sama dia, dia dia dia seseorang yang gue gak pernah sadar,ngebayangin,pengen,dan cuma tanda tanya gede yang ada sampe detik ini kok gue bisa suka sama dia,  gue pacaran seperti biasaaa.. mungkin ini pacaran ala saya kemaren itu._. cuma bman,telponan dan mentok2 ketemu sekilas.. itu juga kabur semua-_-. gaada yang spesial,kata2 manis dia juga sebenernya gaterlalu bikin ngeple cuma yaa ngeple ngeplein karna yang ada dikepala gue dia itu udah ngomong begini ke semua mantannya.. tapi satuhal yg unik kemaren.. dia sangat ngerti gue-_- *keliatannya* entah gue jadi berasa bener2 yaaa gimanaya-_- didengerin dan dihormati sangat deh pendapat dan kritiknya wkwk-_- gue suka itu, dia ngajarin gue banyak hal tentang masalalu dia yang gatau bener apa engga tapi kyknya bener tapi gtau ngapain dia cerita ke gue yak-_- respon gue waktu itu sangat baik.. gue gabisa nyela cerita orang dengan bilang "trus harus bilang wow" atau "bosen ah dengernya" kalo lagi serius.. fine dia nembak gue dengan izin dulu boleh nggak deketin gue dan gue keceplosan bilang iya._. okeee kayak tadi lah ya pacarannya bman lalala doang... sampe akhirnya gue sadar semuanya gak seindah yang gue harepin.. dia orang dan gue orang.. yang sangat berbeda keinginan dan minat hidup.. sumpah males ceritain putusnya pokoknya nih ya-_- gue keceplosan bilang putusss gitu terus akhirnya putus dan JENGJENG masa gue nyesel gitu udah mutusin-_- gue galau coba-_- nauzuh wkwk, gapapah lah ya kali kali, gue galau tuh ceritanya-_- sampe akhirnya gue tau banyak info tentang dia lagi,dia begana begini begono ternyata dia gak pantes buat digalauin.. dan kontro itu selesai..

kedua-_- wk,lets use english.. theres someone near by me... she's totally nice,yaa kinda so nice in the beginning even i can see she's different but i dont care... day by day i spend with her closely.. she turn to be a  kinda cobaan to me-_- that day i was so mad when watching her do something.. everything she do is not nice for me.. she is omooo so notttt her attitude, the way she speak,express she want or whatever thats make me sick.. she didnt do anything wrong to me.. we're just fine well i just dont like her.. thats my problem totalllyy but day by day again i start to realize this is life... i shouldnt stop hating her behind and mad again.. just selow and dont care.. it'll be cool hahaha

no more kontrovers in my beginning day okay.. just 2 simple rules!
1.follow the life instruction like, study well,follow school rules,eat well
2. dont care for something reeaally unimportant like jealousy on something weird like boys things or friendship things like exxample 'ohh my god she is to genitt" or "dia sama dia ya?" or "gimana ya dia terlalu gigngjshfjshfjsdfhdjs" males udah itu fisika dimensi dulu ngerti sama logaritma sama fisika sama kimia yg ketnggalan kemaren -_- wkwk
