Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the seventh and final of the Harry Potter novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The book was released on 21 July 2007, ending the series that began in 1997 with the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This book chronicles the events directly following Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005), and leads to the long-awaited final confrontation between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was published in the United Kingdom by Bloomsbury Publishing, in the United States by Scholastic, in Canada by Raincoast Books, and in Australia and New Zealand by Allen & Unwin. Released globally in ninety-three countries, Deathly Hallows broke sales records as the fastest-selling book ever. It sold 15 million copies in the first twenty-four hours following its release,[1] including more than 11 million in the U.S. and U.K. alone. The previous record, nine million in its first day, had been held by Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.[2] The novel has also been translated into numerous languages, including Ukrainian,[3] Swedish,[4] Polish[5] and Hindi.[6]
Several awards were given to the novel, including the 2008 Colorado Blue Spruce Book Award, and it was listed as a "Best Book for Young Adults" by the American Library Association.[7] Reception to the book was generally positive, although some reviewers found the characters to be repetitive or unchanging. A two-part film based on the novel is in the works, with part one's release date in November 2010 and the second part in July 2011.


Senin, 22 November 2010

i like this song very much :D

Wouldn't Change A Thing Lyrics

It's like he doesn't hear a word I say,
His mind is somewhere far away,
And I don't know how to get there,
It's like,
(She's way too serious)
All he wants is to chill out,
(She's always in a rush)
He makes me wanna pull all my hair out,
(And interrupting)
Like he doesn't even care,
(Like she doesn't even care)

We're face to face
But we don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain
(Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane
(You can drive me insane)

But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars
(We're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars
(Like different stars)
But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing

She's always trying to save the day
Just wanna let my music play
She's all or nothing
But my feelings never change
(Why, do you try to read my mind?)
I try to read her mind
(It's not good to psychoanalyze)
She tries to pick a fight
To get attention
That's what all of my friends say
(That's what all of my friends say)

We're face to face
But we don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain
(Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane
(You can drive me insane)

But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars
(We're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars
(Like different stars)
But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing

When I'm yes, she's no
When I hold on, he just lets go

We're perfectly imperfect
But I wouldn't change a thing, no
We're like fire and rain
(Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane
(You can drive me insane)

But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars
(We're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars
(Like different stars)
But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing

But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars
(We're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars
(Like different stars)
But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a
Wouldn't change a thing
Wouldn't change a thing

Wouldn't change a thing

hei guys did you like guitar? im totally love guitar.. and i'm really wanna be a great guitar player.. and of cource i have to learn serious.. and i believe theres no such thing impossible if we sure :)

got littl bite photos of cool guitar.. (from

lego guitar...
amazing amazing

whoaaaa :D
still many cool guitar photos you can search it anywhere... check you guys later more about guitar ;)
hei guys do you love guitar?

hei guys do you love guitar?

ya masa remaja adalah masa paling seru,aneh,labil dan menyenangkan dan pastinya gampang penasaran? sekarang gua lagi penasaran sama banyak hal yang klo gua pikir gua itu penasaranan orangnya, kadang bahkan rasa penasaran gua menang dari rasa takut gua, im curious of so much thing, specially this one, well i cant totally explain it but im just tryin to relax my mind with writing in my blog hehe :) gua ngerasa sekarang sekarang ini smua serba buru buru gak terasa skrg gua dah kelas 8 n dah mau UAS smester 1 aja? does it seem fast?gua pikir awalnya masih kelas 8 mah nyante nyante aja eh tapi ? smua kayak kekejar waktu? n pelajaran juga dikata gampang? butuh konsen n belajar maksimal! n setelah gua pikir berulang ulang kali emang ternyata semua itu gak bisa sesantai yg dibayangin kalo lagi sekolah, sekolah ya sekolah.. belajar serius dll. kalo lagi liburan baru...  well i dont know im just feel im like thinking something not easy but i dont know what is it, belakangan ini gua ngerasa stress atau terbebani sesuatu n kadang mpe pala gua sakit banget.. berkali kali gua minta pencerahan banyak orang n muhasabahin diri dan gua ngerasa sekarang membaik, insya allah gua bakal terus memperbaikin smpe gua bisa ikhlas dengan segala hal.. gua seharusnya sadar bahwa sekolah, sehat dan mempunya keluarga besar yang utuh dan cukup itu mahal.. ya itu mahal gua harus belajar dari alam n dunia yang ngasih gua banyak pelajaran n arti kehidupan yg harusnya di pahami bukan hanya di perhatikan.. maka itu gua gak mau streess lagi, gua juga gak mau bebanin diri gua sendiri.. bismillah gua akan coba :) gua juga punya cita2 jadi dokter.. gua harus bis menetralisir waktu untuk istirahat,belajar dll gua harus bisa karna manusia itu punya otak yang sempurna :D dan tentang yang tadi yaitu kepenasaranan gua, gua berusaha nampung itu semua dan tanya pada yg berwajib di waktu yang tepat.. walaupun gua gak bisa bertanya atau gak seharusnya, mungkin biar gua aja yang tau dan menjawabnya.. i believe ALLAH knew the best for me :).. im totally curious much thing like what this life mean, what i'ma? and why we have to study like this or whatever... let only my self and god know it i believe theres always an answer :D
what? im curious

what? im curious

Selasa, 09 November 2010

i love this song so much... this song is perfom by sherina and dedicated to the tsunami in aceh but i think this is match to with the situation right now

Sherina – Indonesia Menangis

Tuhan marahkah kau padaku
Inikah akhir duniaku
Kau hempaskan jarimu di ujung banda
Tercenganglah seluruh dunia
Tuhan mungkin Kau abaikan
Tak ku dengarkan peringatan
Kusakiti engkau sampai perut bumi
Maafkan kami ya robbi
Engkau yang perkasa pemilik semesta
Biarkanlah kami songsong matahari
Engkau yang pengasih ampunilah dosa
Memang semua ini kesalahan kami
Oh… Tuhan ampuni kami
Ou..oh… Tuhan tolonglah kami
Tuhan ampuni kami
Tuhan tolonglah kami
PRAY FOR INDONESIA (sherina- indonesia menangis)

PRAY FOR INDONESIA (sherina- indonesia menangis)

i dont know whats wrong, i dont know what i've done to the world.. indonesia lagi dihadapi bencana... yang gak kecil dimataku.. gunung berapi di jogja,gelombang besar di mentawai dan wasior... dan memakan banyak kombar jiwa.. maka itu mungkin sekarang bukan waktunya bertanya tanya lagi kenapa ini terjadi karena secara akal kasatmata manusia ini adalah wujud kemarahan tuhan, dan sekarang saatnya interopeksi bahwa pertama kita stop merusak bumi dengan membuang sampah sembarangan,menebang phon secara liar, memburu hewan tak berdosa dll yg kira2 merusak bumi.. karena jika ingin tetap hidup damain di bumi... dan yang ke 2 dunia ini sudah tua.. dan kita tidak tau kapan berakhirnya dunia ini.. trust me im scared of it..
i love you ALLAH :))
i love you world
i love you indonesia
pray for indonesia and get well soon my lovely country :')


Merapi (ketinggian puncak 2.968 m dpl, per 2006) adalah gunung berapi di bagian tengah Pulau Jawa dan merupakan salah satu gunung api teraktif di Indonesia. Lereng sisi selatan berada dalam administrasi Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan sisanya berada dalam wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah, yaitu Kabupaten Magelang di sisi barat, Kabupaten Boyolali di sisi utara dan timur, serta Kabupaten Klaten di sisi tenggara. Kawasan hutan di sekitar puncaknya menjadi kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi sejak tahun 2004.
Gunung ini sangat berbahaya karena menurut catatan modern mengalami erupsi (puncak keaktifan) setiap dua sampai lima tahun sekali dan dikelilingi oleh pemukiman yang sangat padat. Sejak tahun 1548, gunung ini sudah meletus sebanyak 68 kali.[rujukan?] Kota Yogyakarta adalah kota besar terdekat, berjarak sekitar 27 km dari puncaknya, dan masih terdapat desa-desa di lerengnya sampai ketinggian 1700 m dan hanya 4 km jauhnya dari puncak. Oleh karena tingkat kepentingannya ini, Merapi menjadi salah satu dari enam belas gunung api dunia yang termasuk dalam proyek Gunung Api Dekade Ini (Decade Volcanoes).[1]


Gunung Merapi mengeluarkan awan panas atau wedhus gembel terlihat dari Dusun Gondang, Desa Balerante, Kecamatan Kemalang, Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (29/10/2010). Merapi mengeluarkan awan panas pada pukul 06.14 WIB yang luncurannya diperkirakan mencapai 1,5 kilometer ke arah barat. Saat keluar mulut gunung suhu awan panas bisa mencapai sekitar 600 hingga 1.100 derajat Celcius dan memiliki kecepatan luncur hingga 300 kilometer per jam.

PRAY FOR INDONESIA (gunung meletus jogja)

PRAY FOR INDONESIA (gunung meletus jogja)

The guitar is a plucked string instrument, usually played with fingers or a pick. The guitar consists of a body with a rigid neck to which the strings, generally six in number but sometimes more, are attached. Guitars are traditionally constructed of various woods and strung with animal gut or, more recently, with either nylon or steel strings. Some modern guitars are made of polycarbonate materials. Guitars are made and repaired by luthiers. There are two primary families of guitars: acoustic and electric.
Acoustic guitars (and similar instruments) with hollow bodies, have been in use for over a thousand years. There are three main types of modern acoustic guitar: the classical guitar (nylon-string guitar), the steel-string acoustic guitar, and the archtop guitar. The tone of an acoustic guitar is produced by the vibration of the strings, which is amplified by the body of the guitar, which acts as a resonating chamber. The classical guitar is often played as a solo instrument using a comprehensive fingerpicking technique.
Electric guitars, introduced in the 1930s, rely on an amplifier that can electronically manipulate tone. Early amplified guitars employed a hollow body, but a solid body was found more suitable. Electric guitars have had a continuing profound influence on popular culture. Guitars are recognized as a primary instrument in genres such as blues, bluegrass, country, flamenco, jazz, jota, mariachi, reggae, rock, soul, and many forms of pop.
little bit about guitar (from wikipedia)

little bit about guitar (from wikipedia)

hellloo... my name is aisya, im 13 years old.. im a junior high school student..and did you guys loves music or playing music? i love it alot.. specially playing guitar.. maybe im not that good but somethimes i teach my self a guitar. And i love writing alot.. even it is havent succed being a book but i just enjoy it. maybe i havent that profesional on my hobby like playing guitar or writing, but trust me i will soon, i will try to gettin better :))
