Kamis, 26 September 2013

engga engga bukan galau kali kali aja mau ngepost tentang what i feel about my boyf wkwkwk since he doenst know wwkwk. Im not the type of girl who have so many wish to bbe come true on loves story,i do like people well maybe i love them but i didnt expect alot to have the person or what. Kinda 4 month ago theres a guy who i got a crush on confess to me. I was actually almost like em..... 'okayim not gonna like him anymore lets just take this as a friendship zone' bu then he confess to me and i was like "OMG is this real?" but actually the first time he said he doesnt you know say the point that..... /god im blushing/ but then he said it when i got home. theres no suchthing as said no...... but if i say yes?what if hes just make it fun?like he use to do with me..... a joke?. or not okay what if i got hurt? or what if.... stop. too much what if that time... but i should say yes right(?) waktu itu gue mikirnya gitu. and he's the best ever. tapi ada banyak hal yang gue heran sama diri gue sendiiri,i dont wanna loose him, he know that.. but why i feel like im too protective?. bukan gitu. he's a effinnice guy why dont girl take a look at him for a second. bukan gitu deh inti pembicaraannya. i might be a sensitive girl. i look a thing twice. tapi you have to know i dont care. im jealous.but i dont care at the same time. so it was like "im jealouss:(" but 5 minutes.... "okay i dont care lah...... theres nothing i can do". tapi rizky you haveto know its so lucky to haveyou..... and im being a happy girl now... im sorry if i was too annoyinggg because of my jealousyyyyy im justtt say things on my head,,,,<333
Kali kali lah

Kali kali lah

Minggu, 08 September 2013

haiiii bloggie how is it? 3 month without me?hahah im not going anywhere actually-_- im just... having a not really great time to think... gue sudah memikirkan banyak tujuan hidup tapi masih ngambang dan belom terlaksana karena banyak penghalang. penghalangnya terlalu kuat, dan gue cuma bisa berdoa supaya penghalang ini cepet pergi. im still aisha who loves to write... here in highschool i found so many crazy moment... terakhir ngepost juni ya? juni itu... lagi liburan ya?great holiday kok... even im not going anywhere... hahahaha but i went to bali on august before... with my honeymoon auntie and uncle my brother and my coussins.. and today is back to where i belong, where?sman 5 tambun selatan. here i wanna tell you something about my first impression. gue dapet ipa, itu rasanya kayak masuk surga sedikit... yes because my future is all science. science is not easy, but i'll make it easy cause i loved it. Gue sangat feeling gue gak mungkin ipa 1, meskipun nilai gue gak jelek2 banget... tapi semua temen2 gua membuat gua ber mind set ipa 1 itu segalanya... gue jadi berfikir meskipun gue gak kebawa gue berfikir gue harus ipa 1 dan TERNYATA gue ipa 2... denger nama gue disebutin di ipa 2 hati gue hancur /lebay/ idk lah..... meskipun denger nama my boyf too di ipa 2... i cant hold my tears... dan apa coba?gue pindah ke ipa 1 dengan cara mengedipkan mata dan sangat sangat gampang.terus terus yaudah.... mungkin gue harus terima kelas2 gue pinter2 semua... yaudah tinggal pinter juga susah banget... gue pasti bisa pinter juga:). sekarang gue gatau harus kemana masa, gue ngerasa gue belom terbiasa mungkin dia pelajaran eksak setiap hari yang lumayan bikin capek... gue semacam butuh pencerahan di awal ini,gue ngerasa aneh aja gatau lah.... apa yang aneh ini. ya Allah, im just lend this hope on you... please be with me all the time God, this world is scary....

semangat sah:")