Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

im trying to love you

im trying to love you

gua gak tau gimana caranya ngungkapin pake kalimat tentang ini, ini rumit tapi biasa. ya mungkin buat gua aja riweuh tapi ya ini riweuh._. hehe ditengah tengah kebencian ada cinta? ditengah rasa itu ada bingung antara gak bisa jauhh tapi takut terlalu dekat.. yes thats what i mean right now.. i dont play with this but im not ready to in this one.. i will let it flow.. yes thats whats on my mind right now.. LET IT FLOW AS A WATER.. yes :') im jjust trying to love you right now even i know the condition is not right i dont know what to do.. ya Allah give the best for me for this one ya Allah.. i know Allah know the best:'). right now i dont know how to keep it inside my heart all i wanna do is tell this again and again but every single i explain about this.. i feel like where i'ma? i mean thats not me.. but argghhh its complicated..

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